Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61

I made a mushroom omelette for breakfast (eggs from Kim's farm). I also had a couple pieces of cake at work because it was a co-worker's birthday, but I didn't take a picture. In fact despite my earlier decision to do so I haven't been taking pictures of everything I eat for a long time; just meals really. I think I'll maintain that practice.

For lunch I picked up a spicy tuna sushi pack in the cafeteria.

I didn't have dinner per se -- we had a happy hour after work where I gorged myself on bar food. The bad picture below is just a sample of some of the things I ate. I had about 4 of those sliders, a mini chicken sandwich, a fried seafood ball, and a lot more chips (w/queso) and fried pickles than pictured.


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